Mary Magdalene and Jesus explain that the intensiveness of collective developments brings deeper layers of human consciousness to the surface. You have entered an acceleration of your evolutionary process Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Dear people, we are grateful that...
The choice to free yourself from the matrix of fear and threat
Your interest in connecting with your Divine Essence - Revelation from Mary Magdalene and Jesus Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Dear people. During the Second World War you as a species passed through the turning point of the Second Incarnation cycle of humans on Earth....
Humanity in Transition to Cosmic Citizenship
Revelation from Mary Magdalene and Jesus Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Dear people. It is time for you to open your eyes to the great diversity of life forms on Earth. You are interacting with many more beings than you are aware of. The Earth is much more alive and...
Revelation: In order to make contact with the spiritual world, people are invited by the Masters to pray
Humanity is reminded by the spiritual masters to take responsibility for its own Divinity. People can become aware that they are the Creators of their own reality. Jesus explains that we are all a Trinity: every human being is Father/Mother (Creator), Son/Daughter...
The five keys to renewal
Revelation of Mary Magdalene and Jesus on the creation of a long life. Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Dear human beings, by paying attention to the creation of a long life, you get in touch with your Divinity as a human being. Although it is your birthright to live longer...
Revelation from Mary Magdalene and Jesus about the future of humanity
During a meeting with our support team at the end of May 2024, medium Gabriela Gaastra-Levin received the following transmission from Mary Magdalene and Jesus, Mary and Joseph on behalf of all the spiritual healers, Archangels, Forces of Nature and Cosmic forces...
Revelation on the new year 2024
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: "Dear people, you are at the beginning of the new year 2024. Symbolically, you in Western civilisation are adding one year to the total at each turn of the year, starting with the birth of Jesus in the year 0. In essence, this system you have...
The Christmas revelation of Jesus
Why he was born and how this special birth took shape Mary Magdalene, Jesus and Mary: “There was a gigantic outpouring of energy at the time of Jesus' birth. Jesus was accompanied by many other masters of the Brother- and Sisterhood of Love and Light as he descended...
Peace in the World (2)
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: "Dear people, at the moment you are intensively studying the conflict between Israel and Palestine. As has happened regularly over the last few decades, the two sides are once again at odds with each other. There are different perspectives...
Peace in the World (1)
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: "Dear people, in recent times humanity has been faced with various conflicts, armed struggles. In these cases one side tries to impose its will on the other. When aggression, oppression, coercion and murder are used between two parties, it...
The true meaning of Ascension and Pentecost
Revelation from Jesus to Gabriela Gaastra-Levin Ascension and Pentecost represent the process that every human being goes through, which is to descend from Divine consciousness on Earth and ascend back up again. Every human being essentially has an Ascension at death....
Revelation from Mary Magdalene and Jesus on the consequences of the money system being out of balance for humans
Full digitisation of money can lead to further hostage to human's creative force and authenticity. Mary Magdalene and Jesus: "Dear people, we want to pay attention to the topic of 'money' especially at this time. In the development of your society over the centuries,...
Rediscovering that you are a Divine exponent on Earth
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: "Dear people, today we will reflect on Human Divinity. For many centuries, humanity has seen itself as a Created entity. That is, as the product of someone else's creative power. Humans often see themselves as created by God. However, this...
Revelation from Mary Magdalene and Jesus on two teachings for humanity.
"You will arrive at the next level of your consciousness development." You yourself are Nature and the Earth “The awareness of unity among all human beings will transcend the control attempts of small groups of people, especially men, and will gradually align itself...
New Year revelation 2023 of Mary Magdalene and Jesus
Milestone 2023: The time has come to take up your position and let the voice of your heart be heard from a new consciousness The true evolutionary step Mary Magdalene and Jesus: "Dear people, you have entered another era at the beginning of the new year 2023; a time...
Neutralising fear due to social unrest and threats of war
A revelation from Mary Magdalene and Jesus on how to deal differently with feelings of threats and fear. Mary Magdalene and Jesus on the six challenges of the heart in times of war Revelation on how to deal differently with threats and feelings of fear. Fear is...
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