About Gabriela and Reint Gaastra-Levin

Dr. Gabriela Levin (1960) studied medicine with a specialisation in psychiatry and psychotherapy at the University of Buenos Aires. After her studies, she started her own practice in 1986 as an anthroposophical doctor and psychotherapist in the Argentine capital. At the age of 30, after a six-month period in India, she moved to the Netherlands, where she settled in 1990.
She trained herself, among other things, in Chinese medicine, Reiki and the Indian healing method Ayurveda. In addition to her mediumship, authoring and training, she has a practice as a holistic healer in which she guides people from the vision of ‘The Human Divinity’ with their physical, energetic, emotional, psychic and spiritual processes.

Mr. Reint Gaastra (1956) studied law at Utrecht University. After completing his studies, he joined the Dutch insurance company (Achmea) in 1981. In 1988, he switched to publishing and journalism and became editor in chief of ELAN, a Dutch magazine for directors and supervisory directors, in 1991. Since 1997, he has been working independently as a journalist, columnist, author, publisher, coach and trainer.