Welcome to the Mary Magdalene and Jesus World School

In-depth spiritual growth and healing based on the current knowledge and insights of the couple Mary Magdalene and Jesus

Argentine-Dutch medium Gabriela Gaastra-Levin together with her husband Reint Gaastra are bringing the teachings of Mary Magdalene and Jesus on Human Divinity and The Mary Magdalene Code® into the world.

What makes the Mary Magdalene and Jesus World School unique in the world?

At the request of and in cooperation with the spiritual masters

The founders are sought out and guided by the Spiritual world to transmit their in- depth teachings to Humanity

One goal: activate your human Divinity on Earth

We offer a wide range of tools to activate your own Human Divinity on Earth and by doing so, healing the collective.

Healing sessions to support your individual processes

The healings are an exceptional added value, for both you individually and the collective. In this time of transformations, you are being carried.

How the Mary Magdalene and Jesus World School can guide you in your spiritual path to awaken your own Divinity as a human being

For many years the founders have been receiving essential knowledge in order to make this available to you, wherever you live. Recent developments resulted in the following offer, mainly in Dutch and English for the time being. With our international team, we are working on translations and a growing range of products and services.

Profound and enriching (e)books

As from € 12,50

Learning by

Online healing sessions

As from € 13,00

Healing for you and the collective

In-depth courses & workshops

As from € 65,00

Programs for in-depth knowledge

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