Revelation from Jesus to Gabriela Gaastra-Levin

Ascension and Pentecost represent the process that every human being goes through, which is to descend from Divine consciousness on Earth and ascend back up again. Every human being essentially has an Ascension at death.

Every human being is an apostle. Languages divide humanity. However, the language of the heart rises above all languages.

Jesus: “Ascension and Pentecost mirror each other. On Ascension Day, humanity celebrates that I, Jesus, who was incarnate on Earth, ascended to Heaven, thus reuniting fully with my Divinity at higher levels of consciousness. It was a movement from matter, from the earthly, to the spiritual, to the spiritual world; a movement from the ‘gross matter’ to the ‘fine matter’. By the way, both life on Earth and life in Heaven is Divine. Ascension therefore symbolises my union with the Divine on the fine material level. On Pentecost, the opposite movement manifests itself.

From ‘fine matter’ to ‘gross matter’. On Pentecost, the apostles were allowed to fully experience their own Divinity also on Earth, in a human body.”

Manifestation of a light body

Jesus: “Ascension and Pentecost represent the process that every human being experiences, namely, to descend from Divine consciousness on Earth and to ascend back again. Every human essentially has an Ascension at death and every human also experiences some degree of Pentecost according to what he or she wants to experience. When a person dies, Heaven opens up and one is absorbed into the light. Every human soul that wants to pass into the light experiences the same. That happened to me, Jesus, too. Except that after dying on Golgotha and for the sake of my resurrection, I had manifested a body of light. I had already let go of my physical body and given it back to Earth.

A light body, which is no longer connected to an Earthly body, consists of light energy projected from a higher dimension; it has a physical appearance, but is actually composed of light vibrations. Masters who – as a result of many incarnations – have already undergone all Earthly experiences and have risen above all human illusions, are able to manifest a light body. They thereby appear in the presence of people with whom they are deeply connected spiritually and with the intention of passing on a teaching or a message. It is a privilege to experience a manifestation of a master in this way.”

Full opening of the heart chakra at the time of Pentecost

Jesus: “Thus, for my passing from the material world to the spiritual, compared to other people who pass away, I did not have to leave my physical body. During my Ascension, as it were, my light body faded away upon merging with the Heavenly light. I faced the light and the light met me. Step by step, the contours of my light body disappeared into the light. It was time to go because my task on Earth was complete. The crucifixion marked the climax of my mission. My appearances after my death were meant to make visible the Divine essence of every human being. I showed that death in itself is not the end of life and that the essence of every human being is Divine.”

Human consciousness continues after the death of the physical body

“I also wanted to share this with the people in my circle of devotees, the apostles, and inspire and prepare them for their further development and task. During Pentecost, an outpouring of love energy from my heart raised the Christ energy in their hearts. Through the full opening of their heart chakra, they sensed their Divine essence in every way. This love energy was also an expression of the Holy Spirit. The apostles, however, experienced the trinity. They experienced what it is to be Father/Mother (synonymous with Creator), Son/Daughter (= synonymous with Created) and Holy Spirit (= synonymous with Creative Power) themselves. The fiery tongues that manifested were energetic phenomena of the consciousness transformation and purifications they underwent.

Only after this initiation ritual they were able to transmit ‘this knowing’ to humanity. On a soul level, they had become so involved and so inspired by the event that their new heart power naturally made them go out into the world to tell the beautiful message. The message was and is meant for all nations. During the ritual, the apostles opened up to all humanity. Their throat chakra was optimally activated. The ritual made them – as they experienced such a special state of consciousness – able to speak all languages. After the ritual ended, they could no longer do so. However, as a result of the heart opening created by the ritual, they were able to communicate with any human being from their hearts. Languages divide humanity. However, the language of the heart rises above all languages.”

Time to awaken the Christ energy in one’s own heart

Jesus: “The Pentecost ritual led to an awareness of the apostles about their own Divinity, the creative power within themselves. Mary, Mary Magdalene and I, Jesus, invite everyone to contemplate these issues in the period between Ascension and Pentecost and create situations through which you can begin to feel your own Divinity. We invite humanity to have moments of silence, meditation and reflection.

For some, this may take the form of yoga, meditation, prayer or chanting mantras, for example. For others, it may take the form of going into nature or making music or painting.

Of course, it is always possible to do so, but especially in the period between Ascension and Pentecost, one can focus on awakening the Christ energy in one’s own heart and choosing to live from one’s own Divinity. Between Ascension and Pentecost is also a special time to be together and share everything from the heart. To set loving intentions for yourself and your relationships. A good time to experience and put down your creative power. And to share all these resolutions with others to make them manifest. It is also a good time to send love to the world and visualise all people on Earth being together in love. You are not chosen for this, you have to choose it yourself. For every human being is essentially an apostle who can convey the message of the heart and Divine love to fellow human beings. 

Amen.” May 2023