Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Dear people, you are at the beginning of the new year 2024. Symbolically, you in Western civilisation are adding one year to the total at each turn of the year, starting with the birth of Jesus in the year 0. In essence, this system you have chosen indicates the activation of Christ-consciousness and Christ-love as the basis and goal of your life on Earth. This consciousness is like a beacon of light above the current dualistic dynamics in which humanity is moving. However, the current duality in the world is ultimately the stepping stone to unity.

You are now in a period of cleansing.

The struggles and conflicts of many centuries are re-emerging. Issues that have been suppressed and ignored are now coming to the surface. The issues that you thought you could deny or put behind you are now demanding your full attention. This is happening in both your individual and collective lives. The issues that have been driving you apart and into conflict are becoming increasingly clear.  The fear of each other, the aggression that results, the suspicion of those who are different, the oppression of women and the exploitation of the weak and of the Earth are coming to the fore. These issues cannot be avoided. It is therefore a time of transformation.

Longing for one’s own Divinity

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “The accumulation of power as a means of denying one’s own mortality plays a central role in all these processes. It is a restrictive view of life that belongs mainly to the unbalanced masculine principle. Some people try to feel a connection to their creative power, to the Unity Field and to their Divinity through the exercise of power. However, this experience of their own Divinity is not anchored in the heart but in their abilities. This is reflected in their relationship with the outside world. Therefore, this perception also disappears again and again. Many of these people fail to connect with their feelings and process their traumas. These unprocessed emotions maintain a blockage to the love of their heart.

The desire for power to activate the experience of one’s own Divinity is addictive. Because the desire for one’s Divinity is not connected to the heart, it does not penetrate the deeper layers of consciousness. This desire has become dependent on interaction with the outer world and it disappears when the inner world reappears to that individual. As a result, the individual again seeks the experience offered by the outer world”.

The character of leadership will change

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “The exercise of power involves the use of others who give some of their consciousness and personal power to the person who shapes his or her leadership in this way. When this personal power-based leadership does not work, the use of others’ consciousness is often enforced through violence or manipulation. In the coming time, individuals, groups and peoples will increasingly take back the granted individual power and restore the wholeness of their own consciousness.

It will no longer be a matter of course to be at the disposal of other people’s power, but larger groups of people will take responsibility for themselves. They will feel increasingly involved in essential human and social issues. This involvement will lead to a shift of responsibility from leaders to individuals, changing the nature of leadership to ‘the role of leader as instrument’.

For these leaders, the acceptance of their own mortality will be the basis for the exercise of power. They see power as a received responsibility and a functional tool for promoting unity and unconditional love in the world.

Women leaders die again and again

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “The feminine principle mainly shows a ‘birthing leadership’. The female dies again and again with each menstruation, if ovulation has not led to pregnancy. Women are thus trained in the process of life and death. They need this in order to be a conduit for childbearing and generally for ‘birthing creation’ in society. This means creating in the context of ‘the flow of conception, birth, life, death and rebirth’. In baring leadership, decisions are made supported by a connection to the whole and to the aforementioned flow. This policy has a strong holistic character. It takes into account all people, nature and all beings, meeting their needs and preserving their essential nature.

Fear of death and mistrust of the birthing power of the feminine are at the root of the current male dominance in the various sectors of society. This has taken humanity far from nature. It has created a rift between humanity and Mother Earth. It is time to reclaim the birthing and healing power of the feminine principle and allow it to take leadership in the world. It is time for girls worldwide to learn, to respect the female genitalia, to form councils of mothers and grandmothers to work for the common good, to embrace nature and learn to listen to it, and to be leaders in building society.

The feminine principle, in men, in women and in all forms of gender, is unifying. It stands for communication and understanding, it promotes abundance and equality, it takes all individuals and groups seriously. The feminine principle is not afraid of differences, it sees the value of diversity and understands what the contribution of these differences can bring to the whole. Just as the enormous diversity of species in nature is essential for the survival and development of all living beings on Earth, so too is diversity among human beings essential for the enrichment and security of human existence. Fear of diversity is a manifestation of the imbalance of the masculine principle, which sees control and power as the way to its own survival. In addition, the feminine principle needs to develop more self-esteem and self-confidence in order to manifest itself more strongly in the world. Making space for this principle promotes cooperation between the masculine and feminine”.

The importance of skills

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “You are in a phase where growth in consciousness is necessary to enter into the transformation that optimises the well-being and cooperation of nature and humanity. This cooperation is happening now, but there are many deficiencies, both in the well-being of humanity as a whole, and in the respect and preservation of the wholeness of nature. More skills are needed to make this possible. These skills involve a leap in consciousness that is necessary to develop unconditional love and to experience the Unity Field and your Divinity. These skills include:

  • Embracing your flaws
  • Accepting your mortality
  • Being able to deal with diversity and differences between people and beings
  • Having respect for yourself, your fellow human beings, nature and all beings
  • Being open to communication from oneness and equality
  • Observing without judgement
  • Curiosity with respect
  • Marveling
  • Setting limits when necessary
  • Being able to respect the boundaries of others when appropriate
  • Placing yourself on Earth
  • Listen to and follow your heart
  • Accept and embrace your creative force
  • Feel and show empathy and compassion for yourself and others
  • Standing up for your values and yourself
  • Embracing the Earth as your path of initiation

In these skills you will find aspects related to your surrender to the Earth and the frameworks of the material dimension. But also aspects related to holding space as a human being, and placing yourself in the world from your own authenticity. This promotes other skills that enable a more loving and healthy relationship with your fellow human beings, nature and the inhabitants of the planet.

It is essential to move from aggression to communication from unity, releasing the charge of your self-judgment and letting go of the condemnation of others. This process takes you from duality to unity and activates the Christ-consciousness and Christ-love in your hearts. This enables you to consciously experience your Divinity as a human being and to bring it down to Earth.

We, Mary Magdalene and Jesus, bless you for all these future activities and developments to take a leap in consciousness towards a higher civilisation as humanity in 2024!

In love, Mary Magdalene and Jesus”.