Humanity is reminded by the spiritual masters to take responsibility for its own Divinity. People can become aware that they are the Creators of their own reality. Jesus explains that we are all a Trinity: every human being is Father/Mother (Creator), Son/Daughter (Created) as well as Holy Spirit (Creative force). People are invited to pray in order to make contact with the spiritual world. But what exactly is a prayer? Mary Magdalene, Jesus and Mary and Joseph provide essential prayers to invoke them. Mary explains in detail how the Mary Prayer works.
Mary Magdalene and Jesus, Mary and Joseph: “During and after reading this book, you may wonder how you can make and keep contact with the spiritual Divine world. You may think that it is a very rare phenomenon, reserved only for the chosen ones. You think this because you have been trained not to consider yourself Divine and to look up to the Divine. In so doing, you are short-changing yourselves and God. You deny your own Divine essence and blame God that the Divine power is not available to you. By thinking of yourselves in this way, you deprive yourselves of your own Divine power.
The time has come for you to set aside this assumption and open up to your own essence. This entails a certain responsibility. Take responsibility for your own Divinity! This means that you are no longer roaming the Earth as lost creatures, convinced that you are a victim of your own fate, but that you are the Creator of your own reality. This offers a very different perspective, but also a completely different responsibility and many more possibilities. Only then can life become real.
When you recognise your own Divinity and creative power, you are able to recognise the unification with us, the spiritual world, in your heart. The unification with us is an act of love. It is a connection of the heart that is available because we are nothing but a part of the heart of every human being. The Christ-energy is part of everyone’s heart. By making contact with us, you make contact with a very intimate part of yourself. To realise this contact, we suggest that you pray.“
But what exactly is prayer?
Mary Magdalene and Jesus, Mary and Joseph: “Prayer is a way, a path to make a connection between yourself and a Source of unconditional Love. By praying to this Source of Love, you bring this Source to yourself, activating your own Source of unconditional Love from within. The two Sources can resonate with each other. You can experience the unity of these two Sources on a subtle level. They are one.
The Source of unconditional Love that is invoked through prayer can also be embodied by forces or energies that represent a specific aspect of this Source. We, Mary Magdalene and Jesus, Mary and Joseph, are examples of these forces, and so are other spiritual masters from the Brother- and Sisterhood of Love and Light, such as Buddha, Maitreya and James, who all have a ministering task in relation to this world.
You have a certain amount of free will, which gives you the ability to make certain choices. You can choose between all kinds of experiences. You can create different realities for yourselves. And within the realities you wish to experience, sometimes pain and stress can manifest themselves. We are not allowed to interfere with that. Only when you call upon us through prayer may we help and support you in resolving conflicts and finding the way to the heart. Through prayer, you open the door to unconditional love in your own consciousness. You are taking a step away from your personal identity towards your true self! You are taking a step into unity consciousness. It is the fastest way to allow love into your life!”
Some people have a resistance to prayer
Mary Magdalene and Jesus, Mary and Joseph: “Some people have a resistance to prayer. They think they must and can do everything themselves. They proudly retreat into solitude and pain. They prolong the ‘process of suffering’ unnecessarily. They are actually afraid of love. They have been disappointed once and are now suspicious, and dare not to trust. Deep inside they want love, but they are afraid of it. This fear is often covered with a layer of arrogance, ‘Oh, I can do it all myself’. If you belong to this group of people, you can do two things:
- a) Wait until one day a crisis situation in your life or an approaching death brings you to prayer.
- b) Give prayer a chance now and experience it several times, without judgment. And let it resonate in your own life.
Some people have had bad experiences with certain official religious institutions that appropriated the right to prayer. These institutions are an attempt in human history to preserve certain spiritual traditions. They fulfil a need for many people and that is fine. But you basically do not need them to experience a direct connection to the Love Source. No intermediaries between you and God are needed. The connection is direct. Our advice is: try again and make a direct connection. We are ready for you.“
Prayer to a higher Source of Love
Mary Magdalene and Jesus, Mary and Joseph: “If you are held back by unpleasant experiences from the past, you can pray
to free yourself of these. At the moment of prayer, you are ready to surrender to a greater love consciousness, which causes all the cells in the body and all the different energy levels in the human being to resonate at a higher frequency. You are gathered up into a love consciousness. Enjoy it. You can use prayer for everything: for very important things in life, but also for small things. The more you use prayer, the easier your life becomes and the happier you can feel.
What kind of prayer can you say? Basically, any prayer that is directed to a higher source of Love. You can pray directly to God. You can address a spiritual master. You can create your own prayer from your heart. You can also pray to us.”
Mary Magdalene and Jesus, Mary and Joseph