“You will arrive at the next level of your consciousness development.”

You yourself are Nature and the Earth

“The awareness of unity among all human beings will transcend the control attempts of small groups of people, especially men, and will gradually align itself with your hearts.”

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Dear humans, you as collective humanity are getting ready for a leap of consciousness. This period brings many transformations, individually and collectively. This phase of humanity will enable better you to feel on a deeper level and realize who you are in essence and what challenges you are really facing in your present lives in order to ultimately meet them and realise your goals.”

The unity field disrupted

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “For many years you have been engaged in an intense creative process to create the society in which you now live. However, the creation and functioning of this society was greatly influenced by the last two world wars of the last century which brought out the destructive capacity of man, especially of the men present, whether in a leadership role or not, in an extensive way.

Nature and the many animals and other creatures on Earth witnessed this massive self-destruction of the human species. The disruptive waves caused by these wars in Earth’s unity field were felt in every corner and dimension of the planet. The use of nuclear energy even violated the transitional field between matter and energy connected to Absolute Consciousness.”

Healing impulse and destruction

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “The violence that showed itself during these wars caused a reaction of the Earth and nature, as a living organism, to give a healing impulse to the entire Earth constitution and to humanity in particular. However, this impulse was largely used from the same male consciousness that had caused the wars. For its growth and own development, humanity abused other species and the Earth as a whole, with little or no regard for its effects on the planet and other beings. This indifference has caused you pain, condemnation and insecurity. Often you have been touched on an unconscious level by the destruction that human action exerts on nature.”

Lowering energetic vibration

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Because of your participation in the unity field, in which all beings and all that exists are interconnected, you do become affected by the processes that other beings undergo, especially if they are caused by yourselves. The suffering of domestic or wild animals reaches you especially when you eat them or use items that incorporate their bodies, such as leather or ivory. This lowers your energetic vibration and contributes to feeling stressed or unhappy. If you care for animals, directly or indirectly, their well-being will also reach you and raise your vibration.”

Bowing is an initiation process

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “The past century has been highly materialistic. You have been exploring and mastering matter on a large scale. A process that was already underway earlier in the history of humanity on Earth, but has increased enormously in intensity in the last hundred years, partly because of the growth of the world’s population and partly because of the technical developments that this growth brought about. The exploration of matter has left its mark on Earth and among its inhabitants. The limits of this exploration you now encounter in the change of climate and the dying of nature.

The Earth offers you guidance and reflection through the limits it places on you. These limits give you the opportunity to undergo one of the great initiations on the planet, namely, ‘bowing to the Earth’. In this case, bowing to the Earth means accepting its limits and using your creative power to shape a different lifestyle. This new lifestyle takes into account the consequences of your actions on your environment, on other living beings and on the Earth as a whole.”

Two teachings

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “The corona period has made clear to you the interdependence and connectedness between all human beings and also between humans and animals. It is now time for you to pay more attention to this. This devotion can be focused on two learning processes:

The first learning process concerns contact with animals, plants and minerals in a conscious way. This can be expressed with feeling and also with focused exploration. You can connect intuitively with a tree or animal and you can also listen or watch the experiences of others. This will touch you on a deeper level and raise your energetic system and consciousness. You will open in this process to experiencing the unity field of nature and all beings.

The second learning path is about increasing your knowledge about nature and the Earth through a path that suits you. It is important to seek a path that moves your heart. This will inspire you and stimulate your commitment.

Nature and the Earth are your teachers.

Although it may seem that another materialistic phase is emerging for humanity, this is only a temporary process. This phase acts as a mirror in which you will begin to recognize the essence of the human soul. The polarization and contradictions that are still present in the current transformation phase will eventually bring you to inspiration and self-awareness. They force you to act more consciously and take position for who you are as a human being. The relationship with nature and the boundaries you face as a species will transcend all other processes and open the way to the heart for humanity.”

You are one

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “The realization of the unity among all human beings will transcend the control attempts of small groups of people, especially men, and will gradually align itself with your hearts. The unity of humans among themselves and between man, nature and the Earth will lead this process. Smaller communities, nurturing the basic principles of living from the heart, will serve as inspirators for this transformation. Nature’s deeper secrets will be unraveled not by exploring and manipulating the DNA of all kinds of species, but by making heart contact with them and sensing the essence of their souls. The accumulated physical knowledge can then be integrated with the insights this heart contact brings.”

A more natural lifestyle

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “When humans, from equality with other species, open his and her heart and consciousness to live in connection with the unity field, other nature beings, animals, plants and minerals, within this field will lead you to a deeper inner fulfillment with which many needs from your present life will be removed. The more natural lifestyle associated with this new phase will unburden the Earth and restore the balance between you, nature and the Earth. You will then have arrived at the next level of your consciousness evolution. Although this healing process will take several years, the foundation is now being laid for the path you will take.

We bless you in full confidence that you will be able to find the way to your hearts and share it with one another during this period of transformation.

In brotherhood and sisterhood, Mary Magdalene and Jesus.”