Full digitisation of money can lead to further hostage to human’s creative force and authenticity.
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Dear people, we want to pay attention to the topic of ‘money’ especially at this time. In the development of your society over the centuries, you have chosen to link your creative force to the means of exchange, i.e. money. Money, a creation in itself, thus became a tool that added an extra dimension to your ability to be Creator. Initially it was a tool to serve you to shape what your heart was telling you. However, money went from being a tool to a goal. Money has thus gained power itself. In many situations, you may wonder whether the money serves you or you serve the money.”
What do you do with money and what does money do to you?
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Money performs a function in society similar to the blood of the human body. Just as blood flows to sustain and vitalise human life, money, through personal and business dealings, keeps life moving between people. Money in itself is a neutral energy, which can be a carrier of both good and evil. However, money over the centuries has become a creation that mainly promotes duality above all. This duality is not an attribute of money itself, but a reflection of the collective and individual consciousness of those who use it. Money is a creation that in itself is empty and without specific value, but to which all kinds of things can be projected and value attributed. Emotions and beliefs play an important role in this. If on the one hand, one feels the need to impress, dominate and exert power, and on the other hand to give, share, donate and exchange equally, money becomes energised in a certain way.
Because of human’s creative force, everything is potentially present in money. Money reflects a field in which all possibilities are present. In this way, money is connected to the Absolute level of God. It can make you feel that you can pull the material world towards you. This associated focus on matter can lead to a weakening of the connection with your inner self. You then seek yourself in money rather than within yourself. This can lead you to feel dependent and to weaken your connection with your creative force. You may then feel that you are controlled and dominated by money, both by having too much and too little of it, and you lose connection with yourself as a result. Now is the time to reconnect with your creative force from the point of view of money and reappropriate this creative force.”
The money system is out of balance
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Your money system is now in crisis. It has not contributed to a fair world or to meeting the basic needs of every human being. Money, in the form of substantial capitals, is collected by a relatively small group of individuals who thus holds hostage the collective creative force of humanity. As a result, the majority of people possess only a small fraction of the total creative force.
In the present day, therefore, the money system is almost completely out of balance. The restrictive values and norms that drive this system are disproportionate to human’s current level of spiritual development. You humans are ready to live from the heart, to introduce new values and norms in your mutual relationships, joint creations and in the collective functioning of humanity. These values and norms are an expression of the love of the heart. And as such, they serve you in creating love, equality, freedom, creativity, abundance and a fair and fulfilling existence for all.
You now have the opportunity to transform your social system into a people-respecting and people-loving society. This requires a different basic attitude to work with each other. Wisdom and the power of love can take you further. The feminine and the masculine need to be in balance here or at least lean towards balance.”
Participation takes you further
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “The feminine offers you a basis for cooperation and equality in society. Your loving-force and Creating from Being contribute to this. The feminine wants to promote connection and development. The masculine, by nature, wants to achieve all kinds of things and derive satisfaction and self-affirmation from this. However, the competitive aspect of this principle is better used in the service of a common goal rather than just for yourself and against each other. Your challenge is to integrate both principles in such a way that they offer satisfaction to everyone and serve each other and the whole. In this communal creation, participation is central. All people may be involved in giving birth to a new society. The participation of larger groups of citizens can act as a ‘game changer’. People need to awaken to their own creative force directed from the heart. Then you can become aware of what you have projected into money and re-appropriate it. From there, new creations can arise that fulfil the basic needs of all human beings and create a society in harmony with each other and with nature. This essential change serves you in becoming aware of your own divinity.”
The dangers of digitising money
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “A project is now underway at the banking and government levels for the complete digitisation of money. This drastic step may lead to a further hostage to the creative force and authenticity of human beings. As a result of the digitisation of money, restrictive principles of consciousness may be imposed on humanity.
You will also have less and less ownership of this money and therefore less ability to influence the flow of money. Your money will be in the hands of those who manage the flow and functioning of money. As money is linked to creative force, it is also a carrier of intention. When money becomes completely digitised, an alienation between you and your intention takes place. Part of your creative force is pulled towards the custodians of this money. As you – as humanity – are now essentially in an awakening process, this may lead to an alienation of money as a tool and the creation of another form of exchange between people. Digital money will less represent your creative force.
Yet these limiting developments will ultimately serve you in becoming aware of your creative force, the projection of this power onto the medium of ‘money’, and reforming your society based on the values of the heart.
We, Mary Magdalene and Jesus, bless you for the rebirth of humanity into a new consciousness and, on that basis, a New World.
With love,
Mary Magdalene and Jesus.” April 2023