Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Dear people, at the moment you are intensively studying the conflict between Israel and Palestine. As has happened regularly over the last few decades, the two sides are once again at odds with each other. There are different perspectives and angles, from which to view this conflict. Here we will look at it from the perspective of the meaning of this conflict for humanity and the role it plays in the present. The themes touched upon here are ‘perception of God’, ‘right to exist’, ‘respect for each other’s differences’, ‘right to diversity’, ‘respect for each other’s values and norms’, ‘balance between feminine and masculine’ and ‘the collective consciousness of humanity’.

Over the centuries, people have tried to impose their own belief system on each other, first from a political and cultural dominance perspective and later from a religious perspective. Every religion operates on the basis of a clear set of values and norms, a vision of the place of women and men and of man’s relationship with God. In principle, people and groups concentrate on demarcating, defending and, in some cases, expanding their own territory. Often this is out of fear that a different way of life, a different vision of life and a different set of values will be imposed on them by a rival or non-rival religious group. Existentialism and intolerance play a role”.

This raises a number of questions

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “And these questions are: Am I entitled to worship God in my own way? Am I entitled to have my own vision of God and what is holy? Do I need to impose it on someone else to be safe? How do I relate to people who think and feel differently? Does my religion require me to reject them? Do I see women, men and other forms of gender as equal? If I am not overtly religious, can I be there and hold my own beliefs?

The conflict now taking place in Israel and Palestine is not isolated. It is in part the result of a centuries-long process of rejection and persecution of the Jewish people and denial of their right to exist. Although it did not fully accept the human Divinity, this people stood for one God. This led man to introspection and created a basis for the later development of consciousness”.

A story of struggle and misunderstanding

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “We, Mary Magdalene and Jesus, like our original apostles, were also born in this people and area. Both most Jews and we, together with the Christ movement at that time, eventually left this area. The Muslim religion later developed in this area and also claims existence and space in this land. All three Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and the Muslim religion – have a history of struggle and misunderstanding with each other. All three claim to have the true relationship with the one God, who is said to be outside of human beings. All three have yet to take steps towards gender equality, to embrace the feminine, to recognise the divinity of human beings and to open their hearts further to those who disagree. However, the progressives within these groups are more advanced.

The struggle you have with each other is not only on religious grounds. Political and cultural differences increase mistrust and aggression towards each other. You, as humanity on Earth, are in the process of redefining the values and norms by which you shape society. The abuse of power and the oppression of one another have led to a suffering and inefficient world. One part of the world thrives at the expense of another, a part that suffers and cannot develop. World leaders think they can solve this by further escalating violence. But this is only a temporary solution. There are also far-reaching plans for mass domination that ignore the creative power of the whole of humanity. In terms of energy and vision, it is more and more an escalation of limited consciousness, a closed heart and an expression of fear and mistrust. The time for change is now!

Creating a new world

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Creating a new world begins with a change of consciousness, a different attitude towards each other and an opening of the heart. All parties have a right to exist, all peoples have needs and especially to live their lives in their own way. There can be room for everyone. Israelis and Palestinians, Ukrainians and Russians, Western and Eastern countries, and so on.

Conflicts can only be resolved out of unity. Look at the past, how the First World War soon led to the Second. And how the conflicts in the Middle East followed each other. This means that conflict resolution must take into account the interests of all parties involved. One country cannot prosper at the expense of another. All peoples are allowed to be there. You need the creative power of all to find the right solution.”

Now is the time to make a difference

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “In most conflicts on Earth, there is often an overarching interest of third parties. This makes the conflict even more difficult to resolve. Other interests and global power relations are projected onto the conflict. For example, there is a struggle going on in the background about who is going to maintain or take over power in the world. Who will become the dominant party, imposing its values and norms and its political and economic power on the rest? In the end it is always a question of consciousness. What form of consciousness is humanity going to stand for now? Are you ready to leap into a more loving and just world? Are you ready to treat each other and nature as equals? What does it take?

There is an opportunity now to make a difference. This is something that you will decide together. We, from the spiritual dimension, can help you. But it is humanity itself that must take the step towards a higher civilisation. The position of the feminine also plays an important role in this process. Surrendering to the Earth and opening the heart is necessary to raise individual and collective consciousness.

The energetic relationships on Earth are therefore in flux, not only in areas of conflict but also in other power relationships. There are many consciously living, heart-centred people who are now ready to create a more evolved world. Many are already actively working on it. How can you contribute?”

The new world begins from within!

Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “The new world begins from within, in your thinking and feeling. Banish self-blame and self-judgement, open yourself to appreciate and see others and contribute to unity. Become aware of polarising messages and stand up for unity. When all the people in the world, who stand for Unity connect with each other, their consciousness will form a powerful network that will give a new direction to the functioning of humanity. This will create the basis for a new world and a higher civilisation.

We, Mary Magdalene and Jesus, together with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Love and Light and for the human Divinity, bless you for this!

In love, Mary Magdalene and Jesus”.