Milestone 2023: The time has come to take up your position and let the voice of your heart be heard from a new consciousness
The true evolutionary step
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Dear people, you have entered another era at the beginning of the new year 2023; a time of creation, spiritual growth and personal transformation. On a collective level, you have – consciously and unconsciously – passed through a turning point in an Earth consciousness cycle. During the passage of this turning point, it has become clear to you that the path to follow as a human species on Earth cannot be separated from your oneness and cooperation with Mother Earth and her nature beings. For many of you, however, this awareness has not yet fully sunk into your Personality. For others, a powerful inner affirmation of this awareness has taken place in recent years. In 2023, there will be a deeper indentation of this knowledge and an integration into inner knowing. Despite the fact that there is still resistance to this process in society, humanity is increasingly conscious that living in oneness with nature is the true evolutionary step.”
Your yearning has a Divine background
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “You yearn for happiness, unity and fulfilment. What you crave can emerge from within when you return to your inner Being. You have often linked your right to exist to achievements in society and recognition from those around you. You sought and seek yourselves in the world. In it you find projections of yourself. You come into contact with skills and aspects of your own consciousness that are expressed in your actions, activities and relationships. However, these skills and aspects are essentially reflections of your inner Divinity. They are evoked and activated through your interactions with others and with the world around you. Ultimately, these manifestations of yourself are an expression of your Divine essence, which awakens during and through your active life on Earth.
After each completed experience in your outer world, however, you come back to yourself and meet your inner essence again. There you find space for happiness, unity and fulfilment. In connection with your Being, you make contact with the Flow of conception, birth, life, death and rebirth of nature and of the Feminine Christ. You realise that although you often experience ups and downs in everyday life, there is an underlay of eternal Divine consciousness within you. This consciousness is like a thread that runs through this life and through all your incarnations. It reconnects you with who you essentially are. It opens you to the Being of others, of all beings and of the world around you.”
Bringing the inner opposites into unity
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “In large parts of today’s society, you still identify with your achievements in your life. Successes and adversity therefore cause ups and downs in your self-awareness. You long for success and reject failure. In doing so, you deny an important part of the processes of nature, nature of which you are an inseparable part. As a living being, you are destined to experience prosperity as well as setbacks. Both experiences are part of existence in the physical dimension. In this dimension, life and death prevail. These opposites are present in all aspects of your Earthly life. And that applies to all beings on this planet.
In essence, Western culture today has in large parts of the world inwardly distanced itself from death. The process of death, loss and misfortune has been stripped of its natural character. This unnatural inner assumption and associated basic attitude creates distance from nature and the Flow of conception, birth, life, death and rebirth. Many people therefore feel unnecessarily lonely and disconnected from the flow of life, love and consciousness. In other cultures, where death is embraced, on the contrary, less value is placed on Earthly life. However, this view is also one-sided and does not include natural unity.
The opposites described above should be brought to unity from a holistic perspective – individual and collective. This experience of oneness brings humans to reconciliation with Earth nature as individuals and as a species. This leads you to unification with Mother Earth. Then you humans embrace your true Being as a nature being, being mortal and Divine at the same time. In this essential self-knowledge, you will find love, happiness, unity and fulfilment!”
The primal sound of nature
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Reconciling yourself with your mortal Being and your Divine Being allows you to open your heart and return to nature, of which you have always been a part. Surprisingly, this will give you the freedom, love and happiness you have actually always longed for. As a species, you have distanced yourselves from this unity for centuries. Although this has been a phase in your relationship with the duality of the physical dimension, it is now time again to embrace Earth as your initiation path. In this relationship, your heart and belly are leading. When you tune in with the love of your heart and with your Being, you activate the connection with the primal sound of nature.
You can then hear the voice of the other realms of nature. The plants, animals, insects, minerals and landscapes speak to you. They share their Being with you and include you in their unity field. You are then open to see beyond the ups and downs of gain and loss and continue to consciously experience your connection to your underlying Divine essence…. This attitude enables you to embrace Nature’s Flow of conception, birth, life, death and rebirth. This allows you to open your heart and surrender to the Earth. You will then – together with your fellow humans – enter the ascending phase of the collective Earth cycle.”
A missing puzzle piece
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “During the past years of Covid, you as a species have faced widespread illness, death, loss, oppression, misunderstanding and great interdependence. Life experiences that were previously mostly denied in your collective consciousness were suddenly central to your daily lives. Denial was no longer possible. This brought an opening in your self-image and awareness of the totality of life, both individually and collectively. A missing puzzle piece – linked to the process of death, transformation and rebirth – was recognised and took its position. By accepting these aspects. which are also part of your existence, you as a species went through a process of self-acceptance. This has deepened your self-image and opened your hearts to yourselves, to each other, to life, to nature and to the Earth.
It is now time to make this renewed awareness practical and integrate it into your daily lives, into your choices and creations. The values and norms that your heart, your relationship with your fellow humans and your relationship with the Earth now evoke in your consciousness may now become central to your life. Equality, respect, harmony between the masculine and feminine, trust in each other, being without judgement about each other, being involved with each other, being Creator, taking responsibility for your own behaviour and creations, attention and openness towards nature and all beings are examples of a new consciousness. In the collective field too, this awareness brings an opening to new ways to shape the management of society and the Creation of a New World.”
Milestone 2023
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “While you may often feel that choices are being made for you and that powerful people are in charge in this world, now is the time to take your own position and let the voice of your heart be heard from a new consciousness. 2023 marks the beginning of a multi-year process in which the voice of the collective will become increasingly audible. Individuals will grow in consciousness, open their hearts and embrace Earth as home and destination for their own development. The incarnation process you have shaped over many centuries has now arrived at an important milestone. You are ready to embrace your humanity and further open your hearts and awaken your Divine consciousness in love and cooperation with each other and with nature!
We bless you for this and for the new year 2023!
From love and unity, Mary Magdalene and Jesus.”