A revelation from Mary Magdalene and Jesus on how to deal differently with feelings of threats and fear.
Mary Magdalene and Jesus on the six challenges of the heart in times of war
Revelation on how to deal differently with threats and feelings of fear. Fear is currently an emotion key activating many processes in humanity.
How and what neutralises these fears in order to find yourself?
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Dear people, the current situation in the world is keeping you very busy. The ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war is not only confined to the region where it is now physically taking place. It is a conflict that affects the entire collective consciousness of humanity and of nature. While this is true for any war, because of the recently experienced Corona period, society is even more susceptible to threats and to triggering fears, especially fear of death. Fear is currently a key emotion activating many processes in humanity. Fear leads to the closing of the heart and to the feeling of separation from Divine Source. Although the connection to Source is always there, when you are afraid you start to feel this familiar relationship less. Fear also obstructs experiencing trust in your Divinity and in the Divinity of the world.”
A built-up survival mechanism
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “You function from a survival mechanism built-up over many lifetimes that fuels fighting and fleeing in the presence of danger or apparent danger. When your system signals and recognises a threat, you react with alertness by focusing entirely on the outside world in order, by taking actions and possibly fighting or fleeing, to neutralise the danger. This initial impulse is not wrong, but forces you to a superficial level of feeling and thinking. This now makes you vulnerable and distorts your perception of yourself, the situation you are in and the reality. The feeling creeps up on you that there is no time and space to look at the bigger picture. It narrows your vision and insights about yourself and what is going on. Moreover, fear offers no skills to solve the threatening problem.”
Healing fears
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “An essential task for you at this time is to find your way back to your heart. To do so, you need to step out of experiencing fear. There are many impulses from the outside world right now that invite you to be afraid. Fears of death, of oppression, of poverty, of displacement, of change and of manipulation are constantly being stirred up and fed by information channels from the media and multiple forms of social reporting and in the communication of fellow human beings around you.
There are many reasons and arguments why you should be afraid. Your mental reasoning invites you to feel this way and adjust your behaviour accordingly. Before you even notice, your life may be built around fear. This emotion keeps you in duality and out of connection with your Divine Source. Your attention is permanently focused on the outside world. You try in vain to exert control over the situation and you feel alone and powerless against many aspects of your personal and social life. The ‘common sense’ reasoning of your mind is not enough to get you out of the fear or resolve the threat. The vibration of this emotion keeps you stuck at a level of consciousness that cannot remove the problem. You end up in a vicious cycle.”
Breaking the vicious circle
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “To get out of this, you need the energy of the heart. The heart leads you to another path, it leads you back to yourself. Despite the fact that you cannot control the world around you, you choose to put the connection with your heart at the centre. You choose to prioritise the connection with your inner spiritual power. Using the heart, you activate the connection with your Divine Sources in Heaven and Earth.
This opens a channel to intensify the flow of unconditional love and oneness in your consciousness and in your life. The conscious exchange with your Divine Sources brings you to a higher vibration. This vibration gives you access to other possibilities that offer you a new path in your life. Once on this path, you are almost immediately creatively building a new and innovative existence in the physical dimension. In this way, you create a life that is not dominated by the dualistic conflicts you feared.”
Heartfelt challenges
Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Choosing the way of your heart requires a few things from you. You face heart-related challenges:
First, this challenge means following your heart and choosing unconditionally for yourself, even if this is not supported by your environment.
This brings attention and energy back to yourself and to your spiritual connection with your heart and with the Divine Sources within yourself and in Heaven and Earth. From this inner trusted base, you rediscover yourself and the world around you. You are thus able to gain other insights and arrive at deeper interpretations of daily reality. Your view of life around you becomes broader and more loving. This may mean that the people around you don’t share your perceptions and observations or can’t deal with your choices. This can leave you feeling isolated and alone.
Then you face the second challenge, which is: to not condemn these people.
It is condemning that gives you a sense of loneliness in this situation. If you accept the people who disagree with you and allow them their views, you yourself will be free to have your own views and make your own choices.
A third challenge: living from compassion.
Nurturing compassion means that you accept both poles of good and evil and see them as part of the situation you are in. In this way, you open your heart to find God beyond duality. This does not prevent you from setting boundaries with people or situations that bring harm or disrespect if necessary. However, you also open your heart to look beyond prevailing opinions to events and take an interest in the positions, beliefs and perceptions of all involved. You open yourself to rediscover their Divinity.
A fourth challenge that then presents itself is: taking responsibility for your life creations.
If you live from the heart, you will become aware of your role as Creator. You learn to create and later reflect on the effect, efficiency and other consequences of your creations. As Creator, you also observe the creations of others. You learn to see what people should take responsibility for, what they leave behind and the consequences of this behaviour. In case of conflict between different parties, you can better observe the underlying motives and responsibilities of those involved. This way, you can also better contribute to finding a solution and improving mutual communication.
Fifth challenge: living from love.
When you put love at the centre of your life, it becomes the driving force behind your creations and relationships. You consciously choose to create and nurture love in yourself and those around you. This will evoke a wave of positive energy and transformations in and around you. Love creates space for miracles and for unity between different dimensions. It brings duality back to unity.
The sixth and final challenge is: learning to trust.
As a human being, you are an incarnation of Divine consciousness. The more you embrace and trust this, the more this consciousness manifests in you. By choosing for yourself, following your heart, living from love and compassion and taking responsibility for your creations, you learn to trust your heart and your Divinity. You are not alone, you work and grow in harmony and cooperation with your Divine Sources, with Mother Earth, with your Higher Self and with the spiritual dimension. You bring this higher frequency and love force to yourself and to your life and you activate it in your environment and on Earth. All these qualities bring healing to your original feelings of fear and your seeming separateness. They offer you a path to opening your heart, awakening Christ Consciousness and experiencing your Divinity. They are the basis for creating a New World!
For this we bless you! From love, Mary Magdalene and Jesus.”