Is science fiction becoming reality or are we creating our own New World?
We see them popping up more and more, robots. Robots in hotels, restaurants and films. And more and more they have a human appearance. We laugh a little sheepishly at the as yet imperfect expression skills of these subservient robots. It makes them sympathetic.
Meanwhile, robots have become indispensable in society. However, we hardly see most of them. They operate in production facilities, logistics centres, laboratories and hospitals. Sometimes a video comes along on RTL Z or FB showing how incredibly efficient they have become.
But robots are also increasingly intelligent. The period when chess computer Deep Blue beat world champion Gary Kasparov in a duel in 1996 is long behind us. Technical development is certainly not standing still, making robots seemingly increasingly human and intelligent. Moreover, new applications in new generations of robot types are increasingly easy to upload.
In addition, in parallel, there is an undeniable trend towards increasingly athletic robots moving around. It is not hard to imagine these masculine and unwavering robots being employable as bodyguards, soldiers and policemen in a relatively short time. Robocop is becoming a reality. With all the dangers that implies.
Meanwhile, we have already reached the stage where governments and big companies are facilitating robots to make robots. And, in addition, there is the possibility that souls of malicious aliens will fuse with these intelligent and increasingly independent robots. It is therefore not inconceivable that humanity is in danger of losing control of the robot and thus of itself from several sides.
Against this ‘humanisation’ of the robot is another trend. The adherents of this philosophy are called ‘transhumanists’. They signal that that humans have entered the post-Darwin era and need to take the evolution of the species into their own hands. Transhumanists propagate that man should improve himself mentally and physically and, by analogy with computers and software, upgrade ‘mind’ and ‘body’ with nanotechnology, genetic engineering and computer techniques. Then man would no longer be a human being, but a ‘cyborg’.
This means that, apart from new opportunities for health reasons, humans are evolutionarily becoming increasingly consciously robotic. It is not so hard to imagine that young people and young adults living in ‘smart cities’, who spend all day gaming, working at computers and living fully automated, and have lost touch with nature and their own nature, are widely open to this. The elderly, who want to keep up the rat race with the young and create ‘eternal life’, will also be susceptible to this robotisation of their human identity. Science fiction threatens to become reality.
Through fear, as with the current corona epidemic, people are made susceptible to embracing means of control and dismantling the democratic society based on valuing human life and universal human rights.
Combine that with the current development of inserting chips into your body and subtly making the human body increasingly ironclad via vaccines and chemtrails, and it is becoming more and more likely that this new human will become externally controllable and hackable, will lose its identity as a human being on Earth and become will-less and disempowered. And that would be disastrous.
This mental and hierarchy-stimulating development is cut off from the heart. Technology wants to replace the power of the womb. In the womb, the matter of the body is guided through the inspiration of the incarnating soul to become a human being. Transhumanism attempts to thwart the natural development of man instead of honouring and embracing Mother Earth for the sake of opening the heart and realising our Divinity. It is precisely by kneeling before Mother Earth that one achieves spiritual realisation. The Earth is our initiatory path.
Mary Magdalene and Jesus, in interacting with us, appoint the primal mission of human beings to activate their own Divinity on Earth and awaken humanity’s full light and love potential. This requires that today’s human beings become aware of who they essentially are, namely a Divine identity that has come to Earth to realise themselves in matter ‘through duality’ and ‘beyond good and evil’.
The human body was created and more than perfect for this purpose and can essentially only be ‘upgraded’ through human’s inner growth process and the inner awakening of Christ-consciousness, grounded unconditional love.
It is important to realise that it is not only a controlling group of influential people in this world that has creation power. We have a powerful heart-led creative power. The heart is connected to Mother Earth and our Divine Source. Together, with each other, with our Mother Earth and our Divine Source, we are able to create a new society. A society where technology does not dominate, but is at the service of human beings, a society that promotes harmony, love and equality with nature and with all living beings.
Nature and the spiritual dimension are available to support us in this creative process. It is time to be guided not by fear, but by trust in the love power of our hearts, in our creative abilities and in our inner connection as human beings. It is time to stand for our Divine humanity and build a New World.
To fulfil our primal mission for rediscovering God in ourselves and in the physical dimension.
Robotisation taken too far, where technology has become not a means but an end, will weigh down and de-soul society and humans. Our predestined divinity activation, on the other hand, will enlighten and ultimately animate society and mankind.
What do you want? What will you stand for? The choice is up to all of us.
Gabriela and Reint Gaastra-Levin, 2022