by Gabriela Gaastra-Levin | Feb 17, 2023 | Healing session
As from 3 April 2023 we are happy to offer Healing sessions online in English, under the guidance of our Spiritual friends. In 2022, the nine Dutch sessions in Dutch attracted an average of 250 people and we received a lot of positive feedback. Save these dates: 3... by Gabriela Gaastra-Levin | Jan 1, 2023 | Revelations
Milestone 2023: The time has come to take up your position and let the voice of your heart be heard from a new consciousness The true evolutionary step Mary Magdalene and Jesus: “Dear people, you have entered another era at the beginning of the new year 2023; a... by Gabriela Gaastra-Levin | Dec 1, 2022 | Revelations
A revelation from Mary Magdalene and Jesus on how to deal differently with feelings of threats and fear. Mary Magdalene and Jesus on the six challenges of the heart in times of war Revelation on how to deal differently with threats and feelings of fear. Fear is... by Gabriela Gaastra-Levin | Jan 28, 2022 | General
Is science fiction becoming reality or are we creating our own New World? We see them popping up more and more, robots. Robots in hotels, restaurants and films. And more and more they have a human appearance. We laugh a little sheepishly at the as yet imperfect...